Saturday, March 22, 2014

BitTorrent – A revolution in P2P technology

With BitTorrent, those who get your file tap into their upload capacity to give the file to others at the same time. The key to scalable and robust distribution is cooperation. Cooperative distribution can grow almost without limit, because each new participant brings not only demand, but also supply. Instead of a vicious cycle, popularity creates a virtuous circle. And because each new participant brings new resources to the distribution, you get limitless scalability for a nearly fixed cost. Thus with BitTorrent free speech no longer has a high price.


BitTorrent is a protocol that enables fast downloading of large files using minimum Internet bandwidth. It costs nothing to use and includes no spyware or popup advertising. Because of the nature of this protocol, large files can be handled more efficiently than thetypical client/server method. The protocol was designed in April 2001 and implemented in Summer 2002 by programmer BramCohen, and is now maintained by BitTorrent.


To understand how BitTorrent works and why it is different from other file-serving methods like,Traditional Client-Server Downloading. Let.s examine what happens when you download a file from a Website. It works something like this:
bit torrent BitTorrent   A revolution in P2P technology
BitTorrent working

Client-server downloads process

Lets examine what happens when you download afile from a Web site. It works something like this:
  • You open a Web page and click a link to download a file to your computer.
  • The Web browser software on your computer (the client) tells the server (a central computer that holds the Webpage and the file you want to download)to transfer a copy of the file to your computer.

Read More >> BitTorrent – A revolution in P2P technology

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