Global warming is one of the major threats to the environment till date. Production of concrete is one of the vital factors for global warming as it accounts for 30% of the total CO2 released in the atmosphere. This can be minimised by eco-friendly substitute known as green concrete. In this post we have discussed about all the raw materials for the substitute of conventional concrete to go green. The Green Concrete is a recycled and light weight substances obtained from demolished site and waste of industries. The other one is green cement like fly ash, silica fume and high reactivity metakaolin(HRM). The widely used is fly ash. These green materials have almost same mechanical properties and fire resistant factor as conventional concrete. It has better thermodynamic, environmental and durability properties. It is also cost effective and the construction is faster. This post also has a clear report of advantages and disadvantages of the green concrete.
Green concrete is a revolutionary topic in the history of concrete industry. This was first invented in Denmark in the year 1998. Green concrete has nothing to do with the colour. It is a concept of thinking environment into concrete considering every aspect from raw materials manufacture over mixture design to structural design, construction and service life. Green concrete is a very cheap to produce, because, for e.g. waste products are used as a partial substitute for concrete materials, the charges for the disposal of waste are avoided, energy consumption in the production is lower and durability is greater.
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