Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How to create a free website

This post demonstrates you how to create a free website. In today’s world most of the websites are built using frameworks. Some of the famous open source frameworks are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal. They are also known as Content Management System[CMS]. Among the websites you com across daily most of them are built using these three platforms.
          A framework is nothing but  a half built solution for an application. In fact if you learn wordpress or joomla installation nothing more is needed to build your own website because these frameworks provide almost everything you required to build a customized website. So to create a free website it costs nothing but just  your time.
           This post explains you how to create a free website using wordpress from scratch. You can find step by step explanations. A person having no knowledge of php, html can create a website in five minutes. You can also go through the video which gives the clear picture about  installation. 

          I will take you through the steps how to install wordpress.

  1.  Go to http://wordpress.org/download/  Download the latest wordpress files. It will be in Zipped format Unzip it.
    Download wordpress

    Download wordpress files
  2. you can try the installation on local server. In fact it is the best practice to learn any web application. I would suggest you WampServer, xampp server . Both are open source servers.
  3. Go to http://www.wampserver.com/en/  -> downloads. Download the latest WampServer and install it.
    Download free wamp server

    Download free wamp server
  4. Go to Windows->start->start_WampServer and click on it. This is to start your wampserver.
    Start wamp server

    Start wamp server
  5.  You can find the wampserver icon on your task bar.  Left click on that icon and then click on localhost.  [Alternative way :: Open any web browser and type localhost then hit enter. (If you have chosen any port number while installing then include that one in the url. e.g. localhost:8080) ]

Read mor >> How to create a free website

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